CEO - Enrique Ferrater - Blockchain Specialist
Enrique has worked on a number of crypto projects, including $LIFE, and is a blockchain specialist with over 10 years of experience and over 20 years as a computer Engineer.
His passion is fueled by the founding principles of blockchain, stating "the opportunities which the creation of bitcoin, blockchain and decentralisation have given us are endless, and $SELF will hold these values at its core whilst working in the effort for mass adoption"
When Enrique is not working, he enjoys trips to the beach with his family and football.
Chief Technology Officer - Levinus Bakker - AI & Blockchain Specialist
Levinus made his mark by developing a state-of-the-art chemical processing business which he successfully sold in 2019. He has extensive experience in building AI-Systems and sees huge opportunities for applying those innovations to SELF.
Chief Marketing Officer - Adolfo Fernandez - Leading Wine Specialist and Crypto Team Member
Adolfo is a wine and spirits e-commerce specialist and has been working on other crypto projects over the past year.
Adolfo enjoys the creative opportunities blockchain offers and is “excited to embark on the brand and marketing progression of a crypto project incorporating intricate technology with the creativeness which will make up the SELF NFT’s.
Adolfo enjoys discovering new wines, gastronomy, playing the guitar, and motorsports when he's not heading up meetings with designers and marketing professionals.
Chief Public Relations Officer - Eric Scott - Senior Finance Manager at Oracle
Eric has worked in a few crypto projects since 2020, most notably LIFE. In addition to his work in the blockchain world, Eric works for a large financial corporation as a senior finance manager.
Eric is known in the team for having vision and innovative drive and believes “there are countless opportunities for crypto to expand and integrate with real-world applications, something I’m excited to embrace with SELF”
Eric has a large family so in his limited spare time he enjoy cooking, networking, fishing, gardening, and playing golf. He also, like Kim, has a cute dog.
Ambassador / Sport Relations - Alan Rogers Ex Professional Footballer
Alan made his career in football playing for Nottingham Forest, Leicester City and others.
Alan has been in the crypto space since 2019 as a keen altcoin investor..
Development Team - 3 Developers before launch
Solidity Engineer
Front End Engineer
Back End Engineer
Last updated